Baytown Historic Photos

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Home / Rundell-Wooster Home on Scott's Bay
Rundell-Wooster Home on Scott's Bay
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John Rundell, originally from Mississippi, built his plantation home with slave labor in the 1830s on Scott's Bay. In 1892, Quincy A. Wooster from Iowa bought the home and surrounding properties from the Rundell Estate, which became part of the Wooster Township. Wooster remodeled the home in 1899, adding the widow’s walk and windows to the roof/top floor. After Wooster’s death, most of the property was later sold and became known as Brownwood, currently (2019) the Baytown Nature Center. The structure remained in the Wooster family and dismantled in the late 1960s due to damage it suffered from the 1961 Hurricane Carla.
History of Baytown, pg. 41; Baytown Historical Museum. Description clarification by Wybra Holland.
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